Members of Phi Gamma Delta hold our Greek letters in reverence. Therefore, we limit their display to a select number of places. In accordance with the fraternity's international bylaws, Fiji chapters and members only inscribe their letters in the following seven locations:
On a uniform diamond-shaped member badge
On memorials to deceased brothers
On the Fraternity's official flag
On the Fraternity's official seal
On a chapter house marker
On a brother's official college ring
On a brother's certificate of membership
The fraternity instructs its members to consider the letters sacred and to never display them on an object that can be easily destroyed. Whereas other fraternities often display their letters on clothing or other items, this tradition prevents Fijis from doing so. In place of the actual Greek letters, "Fiji," "Phi Gam," or the English spelling "Phi Gamma Delta" is used in their place.
The Fiji nickname started at New York University as a suggested name for the Fraternity magazine (Fee Gee). It was officially adopted by the national fraternity at the 1894 convention in the belief that the term would be distinctive and appeal to the imagination. Prior to its formal appropriation by the organization at large, nicknames for members of the fraternity varied greatly; ranging from "Phi Gamm" and "Delta" by brothers across the nation, "Fee Gee" in New York, and "Gammas" in the South. As of now though, "Fiji" and "Phi Gam" are considered by the fraternity to be the only appropriate nicknames for Phi Gamma Delta members on the international scale, though local nicknames related to a chapter's Greek name or other colloquialisms do exist.

Certificate of Membership

Official Flag of the Fraternity

Official Seal of the Fraternity

Chi Alpha Chapter
On-Campus Housing

Memorial of James Elliott Jr.

Greek Letters engraved into Clemson Class Ring

Membership Badge